
Play Bookworm

Bookworm is a puzzle game where you have to create words with the letter tiles in the field. Click on adjacent letters to form words and score points. The longer the words you create, the higher your score will be! There are also special tiles and bonus words. Beware of the red burning tiles, because if they reach the bottom of the screen the game ends.

Game background


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Bookworm game info


Click on the letters you want to use to create a word. You can only select adjacent letters. Once you have formed the word you had in mind, click on submit and Lex the bookworm will eat the letter tiles you selected. New letters will be provided so there are always new options to explore.

Don't find any words in the field? Click on Lex to scramble all the letter tiles and get a new field to work with! Be careful though, this costs points.

Bonus words

In the original version, bonus words were displayed beneath Lex the bookworm starting from round 2. Forming these bonus words boosted your score. This feature is unfortunately removed from the version we currently have on our website.

Special Tiles

There are several special tiles that can appear throughout the game.


The score for a word is calculated based on four elements:

The way words are scored resembles a lot how words in Scrabble are scored.

Tips and tricks


Bookworm is a word game developed by PopCap Games, released in 2003. The game was such a success that a follow-up game extension ‘Bookworm Adventures’ was released in 2006.


Can I save my progress in Bookworm?

Unfortunately it is not possible to save your progress in the Bookworm game on our website.

How can I mute the sound in Bookworm?

When you open the game and start playing, there is a mute button in the bottom left corner of the game.

More word games

Can't get enough of word games? Give Wordle, Text Twist 2, Word Ruffle or 7 Words a go! If you like Scrabble, try Scrabble Online, Scrabble Blast or Scrabble Sprint.

System requirements

Bookworm can be played in all modern browsers, on all device types (desktop, tablet, mobile), and on all operating systems (Windows, macOS, Linux, Android, iOS, ...).

Classification: HomeWordBookworm
Rating: 80% (20,445 votes)
Developer: PopCap Games
Technology: Flash (emulated)
Wiki's: Wikipedia
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